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Broker (2022)

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Broker (2022)
7.2/9 votes
Followed by 57 members

Sang-hyeon (Song Kang-ho) is the owner of a launderette and a volunteer at the nearby church, where his friend Dong-soo (Gang Dong-won) works. The two run an illegal business together: Sang-hyeon occasionally steals babies from the church’s baby box with the help of Dong-soo, who deletes the church’s CCTV footage that shows a baby was left there, and they sell them on the adoption black market. But when a young mother, So-young (Lee Ji-eun), comes back after having abandoned her baby, she discovers them and decides to go with them on a road-trip to interview the baby’s potential infertile parents. Meanwhile, two detectives, Soo-jin (Bae Doona) and Detective Lee (Lee Joo-young), are on their trail.

Gallery Broker (2022)


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