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Boogie (2021)

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Boogie (2021)
5.9/52 votes
Followed by 67 members

Alfred “Boogie” Chin is a basketball phenom living in Queens, New York, who dreams of one day playing in the NBA. While his parents pressure him to focus on earning a scholarship to an elite college, Boogie must find a way to navigate a new girlfriend, high school, on-court rivals and the burden of expectation.

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  1. Tshidiso pakela says:

    Nice one keep it up

  2. Carli says:

    RIP Jackson

  3. Mojalefa Matlala says:

    Nice one keep it up

  4. Mojalefa Matlala says:

    Nice one keep it up

  5. Mojalefa Matlala says:

    please movies nice up

  6. Mojalefa Matlala says:

    this side eish very wow only trailer cant download

  7. Mojalefa Matlala says:


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